D.08.24 – Work Injury Policy

In the event that an intern is injured on the job, in addition to the individual site’s work injury policy, the following steps should be followed:

  • The site Training Director must inform the Regional Training Director, Sr. Vice President of Clinical Operations, and the Vice President of Operations for NPTC as soon as reasonably possible (within one to two business days).
  • The Regional Training Director will contact the intern’s Director of Clinical Training for their school program at any point that the work injury could potentially affect the intern’s ability to complete internship in a timely manner. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Reduction in hours causing the intern to be behind schedule to a point that would be difficult to make up in the allotted time available.
    • Any hospitalization.
    • Intern needing to take any kind of medical leave.
  • Site Training Directors will be responsible for maintaining all pertinent notes and paperwork for the injury as it pertains to the intern’s ability to complete internship. Paperwork submitted to NPTC at minimum should include:
    • A summary of the events.
    • Steps the site has followed of their own policy to address the situation.
    • Any needed accommodations following the injury.
    • Documentation of discussions of meetings regarding internship extensions (as applicable).