D.03.24 – Supervisor Addition or Replacement Policy

Sites must provide two dedicated supervisors for no more than six interns on site. Sites must receive prior approval from the NPTC President/CEO to have more than six interns if they only have two supervisors. With this request, Site Training Directors must provide a description of the hour allotment for existing supervisors to handle the additional supervisory workload appropriately for an APA-accredited internship. In instances in which there is only one psychologist on-site, NPTC works with the training site to coordinate additional primary supervision for the intern. Site Training Directors are responsible for maintaining this level of supervision and for keeping members of the Administrative Office informed when supervisors leave or are hired. The Administrative Office should be informed in a timely manner of any supervisor additions or replacements to ensure that interns receive the best quality and amount of primary supervision during their internship.

Each month, Site Training Directors will receive a list of active and probationary supervisors prior to the Training Director meeting. The Site Training Director should review this list for accuracy and submit any changes to Operations Support via webform. Interns may request additional supervisors by suggesting individuals to their principal supervisor and/or Site Training Director.

Adding a New Supervisor #

The Site Training Director should complete the Supervisor List Change Request form to add a supervisor. All supervisors, regardless of principal or ancillary status will be required to complete the Supervisor CV webform. Site Training Directors will be responsible for helping with the follow-up process to ensure that the CV form is completed prior to any provision of supervision. Interns cannot count any supervision time with individuals not on the NPTC supervisor list

Following completion of the CV form, the supervisor will be added to the NPTC supervisor list. This process will enable both principal and ancillary supervisors to begin providing supervision to interns; however, principal supervisors will be considered in a probationary status pending completion of training and paperwork requirements.  

Newly added supervisors (even if they were previously a supervisor) will receive a basic but comprehensive orientation which will include access to supervisor resources for both principal and ancillary supervisors as well as the required training materials and paperwork for principal supervisors. All new principal supervisors will have 60 days to complete six CE hours on supervision topics related to DEI and supervision practices and expectations. All trainings will be provided by NPTC for CE credit and be free of cost to the supervisor; however, outside trainings will be approved by the Regional Training Director on a case-by-case basis if they were attended within the previous year and APA CESA approved.

Continuing as a Supervisor #

At the start of each calendar year, all supervisors will be audited for good standing with the organization and their adherence to the supervisory requirements. All principal and ancillary supervisors continuing during the next training year are required to complete the CV Update form. Principal supervisors who are assigned to interns in the upcoming year are also required to attend the supervisor orientation or watch the recording of the manual review within 60 days of the event. Upon completion of the CV Update form, a supervisor packet email will be sent confirming the supervisor is in good standing with NPTC pending completion of the annual training requirement and they will be included on the NPTC supervisor list for the upcoming year. If the CV update has not been completed by the supervisor orientation due date, or the supervisor fails to complete the training requirements by the deadline, the following potential outcomes may be enforced by NPTC, including, but not limited to:

  • Meeting with the Regional Training Director and/or President CEO.
  • Supervisor being removed from the supervisor list until the requirements have been met.
  • Assignment of additional training courses/requirements.
  • Removal of supervision hours logged with interns from the beginning of the training year or the supervisor’s start date (whichever is later).

Reminder emails and notices of non-compliance will be sent throughout the time period and will be escalated through the appropriate site chain of command at least three weeks prior to removing a supervisor from an approved list. Notice escalations will include but are not limited to the Site Training Director, other site administrators as appropriate, Regional Training Director, and NPTC President/CEO.

Supervisor Training Requirements

Principal supervisors are required to complete at least 3 CE credit hours of supervisor training each year. These trainings can be attended live or as homestudy courses outside or from within the consortium. Training topic resources available for CE credit will be provided to all supervisors to assist in this process. If trainings are attended outside of the consortium, attendance certificates must be submitted to Operations Support. Supervisors will have three months from the beginning of each training year to complete the training course(s) or submit a registration for a course that is scheduled but occurring after the three month mark. 

Removing a Supervisor #

The Site Training Director should complete the Supervisor List Change Request form to remove a supervisor. Operations Support will remove the individual(s) from the list of active supervisors effective on the date noted in the form. Interns will not be able to count any time with them as supervision after that date.

The list of approved supervisors will be provided to interns, supervisors, and site training directors each month as a part of the regional newsletter.