A.04.24 – NPTC Accommodations Policy

Purpose and Goal #

NPTC is committed to supporting interns with disabilities by working with sites and interns to ensure that  reasonable accommodations are provided to interns who request and qualify for them.

Applicability #

Our accommodations policy is intended to defer to the HR accommodations policy of each site that is affiliated with NPTC, and to be a resource for interns and sites when needed. Each site has their own process for supporting any intern who has a physical, mental, or emotional impairment* or condition that substantially impacts and limits their activity in major areas of life. The role of NPTC is to be a guide, resource, and advocate for interns seeking accommodations from their site. .

Notification of the Need for Accommodations #

Interns are not required to disclose ability/disability status. However, if they suspect that their ability status may significantly and negatively impact their ability to perform internship tasks, they may choose to request accommodations. This request would involve notifying HR at their site. They are encouraged to also inform NPTC of their request for accommodations in order to help support them through this process. Please note that an impairment is not automatically considered to be a disability per ADA standards.

Scope of the Accommodations #

When NPTC has received a request for accommodations, we will make a good faith effort to connect the intern with their HR department at their site so that the site can begin their process to determine how/if to provide reasonable accommodations to reduce barriers to completing or performing necessary job functions. It is important to note that making accommodations does not equate to lowering standards. It instead means that steps will be taken to ensure the standards can be reasonably met by assessing the current or anticipated areas of difficulty and then discussing options for reducing these areas of difficulty. It is also important to note that NPTC will focus on the behavior and conduct of the intern, as opposed to focusing on the condition or impairment or management of it.

The Process #

Interns can choose to go directly to HR at their site to request accommodations or they can fill out our form and we will support them in the process. Please note that, if interns choose to go directly to their site, we encourage them to inform us so that we can support them through the process. It is likely that after the site is made aware of the request for accommodations, an HR representative will likely contact the intern to schedule a meeting to get more information about the way(s) the condition is or will likely impact the intern’s functioning. The intern may be asked to submit documentation from a health or mental health provider of their condition(s). An NPTC representative (re: A DEI Director or Administrator) will be available for consultation and support as needed.

Confidentiality #

All information received by NPTC is considered to be private but not confidential communication. Access to this information is limited to those who are involved in the decision-making process, those who will help with accommodation implementation, and others who have a legitimate need to know in compliance with relevant laws and management policies. 

Resources #

Providing Reasonable Accommodations to Individuals with Disabilities in Internship Sites and Postdoctoral Internship Positions 

Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation with Template Letter 

*The use of the term impairment is to be in alignment with ADA language.