B.07.24 – Communications Policy and Internship Verification

Communication with the Sponsoring Graduate School

Operations Support is responsible for communicating with each intern’s sponsoring graduate program about the intern’s activities and progress. At the beginning of the training year, the sponsoring graduate school will be sent a copy of the intern’s match letter and contract. Information about the intern’s planned training activities as set forth in the Individual Learning and Training Plan will also be sent. The results of the intern’s progress evaluations will be sent to their sponsoring graduate school each quarter. At the end of the internship training year, the sponsoring graduate school will also be sent copies of the Training Director’s final formal evaluation of the intern’s skills, accomplishments, professionalism, and performance, along with a brief summary statement indicating whether the intern successfully completed the internship. NPTC will also be responsible for providing a copy of the intern’s certificate of completion following completion of the training year. Interns are responsible for informing Operations Support of any special end of year paperwork or forms that need to be completed prior to graduation. These forms should be sent to Operations Support before giving them to any site Training Director or supervisor. NPTC reserves the right to provide additional information as necessary and upon request.

This communication ensures that graduate programs are aware of each intern’s performance and provides an opportunity for additional involvement if problematic behavior arises. It is NPTC’s aim to advocate for interns’ training needs, which may include contacting graduate programs in order to resolve concerns that arise on either the intern’s or NPTC’s behalf. If problematic performance or problematic conduct arises that seems serious enough to cast doubt on an intern’s ability to successfully complete the internship program, the President/CEO and/or Regional Training Director will inform the sponsoring graduate school. The graduate school will be encouraged to provide input to assist in resolving the problems.

If the psychology intern or Training Director are made aware of any additional requirements of the sponsoring graduate school, they should let Operations Support know as soon as possible, prior to completing the forms, so that the Administrative Office can make arrangements to complete any additional paperwork necessary for successful internship completion. Informing the Administrative Office of any additional requirements ensures the intern’s sponsoring graduate school will receive the most complete and accurate paperwork.

Internship Verification and Recommendations

When starting paperwork for licensure, interns should contact the Communications and Intern Relations Coordinator for assistance with completing any internship verification paperwork. All verification forms/professional references should be sent to the Communications and Intern Relations Coordinator before sending them to any supervisor or Training Director. Additionally, the Administrative Office has instructions available for many state licensure applications (including agencies like the ASPPB) and the Communications and Intern Relations Coordinator may be able to provide additional consultation throughout the process as needed. Interns/alumni should discuss their licensure application documents prior to submitting them to ensure the hour categories reported on the application correspond with the numbers being used for the verification. The Communications and Intern Relations Coordinator is responsible for completing verification forms and will collect all necessary signatures for the documentation. Any site Training Director or Supervisor who receives a request for internship verification from intern alumni should also send the request to the Communications and Intern Relations Coordinator prior to completing any forms. The Communications and Intern Relations Coordinator can also assist interns with the collection of letters of recommendation from supervisors, Training Directors, and/or Regional Training Director as needed.