E.03.24.GL – Bowen Center Training Manual Addendum

Site Learning Activities and Requirements #

All interns will participate in the internship learning activities as specified in the manual. Specific site activities/rotations/requirements above and beyond what is listed in the manual are provided below:
For successful completion of internship, all interns are expected to embrace the Center’s strong commitment to continuous professional education by taking advantage of internally offered workshops and in-service training. We encourage and provide financial support for attendance at external professional workshops that are consistent with the intern’s plan of professional development and the Center’s priorities for clinical practice.

Since Bowen Health (formerly Bowen Center) is a decentralized, multi-county organization, interns may be required to (or prefer to) work in more than one location. Services rendered by interns will likely be similar across locations. We work to assure reasonable driving distances and will reimburse for travel mileage to locations other than the intern’s designated primary work site. We attempt to limit work to two outpatient locations, so interns can become well integrated into and feel “at home” within local service teams. Additionally, Bowen Health (formerly Bowen Center) interns will learn valuable practice management skills including, but not limited to, functioning successfully in a fast-paced clinical environment, working in teams, practicing in a managed care environment, efficient use of time, and use of technology such as dictation and electronic medical record systems. We emphasize and encourage the development of strong wellness and self-care practices.

Additional requirements include:

  • Completion of 10 assessment reports over the course of the year
  • Internal training (e.g., Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Matrix Model, Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, risk assessment)
  • Psychiatric Hospital, Transitional Living, and/or Bowen Recovery Center (optional)
  • Presentations by drug and device reps (attendance optional and varies by site)

It is expected that the internship and training activities come first and any other roles/duties are secondary to the completion of the internship program.

Administrative Overview #

Annual Pay: $40,000

Schedule: Full-time (40 hours per week) generally 8:00 am – 5:00 pm from Monday – Friday with one evening per week (all outpatient offices close by 7 or 8 PM Monday through Thursday and at 5 PM on Friday). Within reason, Bowen is flexible with scheduling.

Overtime: Interns are allowed to work over 40 hours per week (never to exceed 50 hours per week), but only under the prior approval of their site Training Director. We prefer to help interns work only 40 hours and flex their time when possible to help promote self-care.

Nights/Weekends: Interns are expected to work one evening each week to accommodate clients who work during the day. Interns’ schedules will be adjusted at the local level to accommodate evening work time. Weekends are not required.

Malpractice Insurance: If an intern is not covered by their school, they will be added to Bowen Health’s (formerly Bowen Center) policy during the internship year.

Mileage: Bowen Health (formerly Bowen Center) follows the NPTC Travel Policy and IRS guidelines with regard to intern travel reimbursement. Bowen Health (formerly Bowen Center) also provides mileage, meals, and hotel cost considerations for interns during NPTC two-day orientation training.

Benefits: Interns are eligible for benefits offered to other site employees. Benefits will be discussed in detail during site orientation.

Leave Time #

Paid Time Off (PTO): 14 days (112 hours) combined vacation and sick leave available from your first day.

Professional Development Leave: 3 days (24 hours) of professional development leave.Professional Development time is not considered PTO time. To use this time, interns will coordinate their schedules with their Primary Supervisor and Training Director, and track the hours as hours worked in their local system and as “Professional Development Leave” in the NPTC time tracking portal.

In an effort to promote self-care, interns are required to use at least 10 days (80 hours) of their allotted PTO time. Any unused PTO at the end of the program year will not be paid out or compensated; however, remaining leave time can be rolled over if the intern stays on with Bowen post-internship. Since Professional Development time is not considered a type of PTO, unused Professional Development will also not be paid out at the end of the year.


New Year’s Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Day

When a scheduled holiday falls on a weekend the observed holiday will either be observed Center-wide another day or become a “floating holiday” represented by 8 additional hours of PTO to be taken at the intern’s discretion. 

Each intern will be credited 4 floating holiday days, for a total of 10 holiday days. This floating holiday is intended to take into consideration our need to be available to our patients on days that schools and workplaces do not typically close while also providing accommodation to take off other holidays (e.g., Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Juneteenth; Eid al-Fitr; one day of Hanukkah) or special days for our diverse staff to celebrate without using their PTO. Floating holidays have to be taken in 8 hour increments, though they do not have to be used on a holiday.

Site Directors/Supervisors cannot require an intern to work on any holiday listed above that the site does not observe. Also, if Bowen Health (formerly Bowen Center) is closed for other reasons and the intern is unable to work, the intern cannot be forced to use their PTO.