Mind and Spirit Counseling Center

Site Learning Activities and Requirements #

All interns will participate in the internship learning activities as specified in the manual. Specific site activities/rotations/requirements above and beyond what is listed in the manual are provided below:

It is expected that the internship and training activities come first and any other roles/duties are secondary to the completion of the internship program.

Administrative Overview #

Salary: $37,500

Schedule: Full-time (40 hours per week) generally 8:00 am – 5:00 pm from Monday – Friday.

Overtime: No overtime is allowed at Mind and Spirit Counseling Center.

Nights/Weekends: No nights and weekends are required.

Malpractice Insurance: If an intern is not covered by their school, Mind and Spirit Counseling Center will provide malpractice insurance.

Mileage: No mileage reimbursement.

Benefits: Interns are eligible for benefits offered to other site employees. Benefits will be discussed in detail during site orientation.

Paid Time Off (PTO): 14 days (112 hours) combined vacation and sick leave available from your first day.

Professional Development Leave: 3 days (24 hours) of professional development leave.

Professional Development time is not considered PTO time. To use this time, interns will coordinate their schedules with their Primary Supervisor and Training Director, and track the hours as hours worked in their local system and as “Professional Development Leave” in the NPTC time tracking portal.

In an effort to promote self-care, interns are encouraged to utilize all leave time. No unused PTO time will be reimbursed at the end of the training year.  Since Professional Development time is not considered a type of PTO, unused Professional Development will not be paid out at the end of the year.


New Year’s Day

Memorial Day


Independence Day

Labor Day


Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Day

When a scheduled holiday falls on Sunday, it will be observed on the following Monday; when a scheduled holiday falls on a Saturday, it will be observed on the proceeding Friday.

Site Directors/Supervisors cannot require an intern to work on any holiday listed above that the site does not observe. If the intern wishes to work on a given holiday in exchange for another day off of their choosing, that is permitted as long as it is approved and arranged in advance with his/her site director and/or supervisor. Also, if a site observes additional holidays or is closed for other reasons and the intern is unable to work, the intern cannot be forced to use their vacation time or sick days.