D.05.24 – Timesheet Approval

Each year, the Site Training Director will identify which primary supervisor will be responsible for signing the intern timesheets. Supervisors should compare the site timesheet to the NPTC timesheet to ensure the hours reported in both are the same; this includes any leave time (PTO and Professional Development Leave) requested and taken from the site. If an intern is also placed at a secondary rotation at another site, then both primary supervisors must coordinate on verifying hours since only one can approve time. The Administrative Office must be informed of this decision at least two months before the intern’s start date. The designated primary supervisor will approve the psychology intern’s timesheet via the NPTC web portal at the end of each monthly timesheet period.

This timesheet and hour reports will aid the intern in demonstrating that the internship year provided the required number of hours in supervision, patient contact, and professional training. This timesheet will be submitted by the intern via the NPTC web portal, and an email notification will be sent to the supervisor for review. The interns’ submission deadline is 9:00 am local time, the business day following the end of the timesheet period. The supervisor’s approval deadline is 5:00 pm local time on that same day. If the designated supervisor is unavailable on any timesheet deadline date, they should contact Operations Support to make other arrangements. Please note that the review and approval of intern timesheets via the NPTC portal is in addition to any local timesheet and/or leave request process. The Timesheets section of the manual describes the timesheets used by psychology interns during their training year.