D.06.24 – Supervisor Vacation/Leave Policy

Site Training Directors and Supervisors are not considered employees of NPTC and therefore all decisions about vacation time, holidays, and/or leave time are governed by individual agreements between the Supervisor and site. However, to ensure the continuation of quality training throughout the training year, when the supervisor is gone, whether for a day or for an extended time period, the following guidelines should be followed:


Supervisor notifies site Training Director of leave schedule. If leave time includes missing any supervision, the supervisor and site Training Director make written plans for supervision coverage during that time (see Making Up Missed Supervision policy).
If leave time includes missing a timesheet approval day, the supervisor and site Training Director will make plans for who will approve the timesheet(s) and notify Operations Support.

If leave time includes missing a paperwork deadline such as the intern evaluation, the supervisor either needs to complete the task prior to leaving or if that is not feasible, then the supervisor will need to notify the Operations Support and request an extension.

Written plans should detail coverage for all of these items as appropriate and be kept on file. Although the written plans do not need to be submitted to NPTC, if problems arise with supervision coverage or tasks are not completed as assigned, NPTC reserves the right to request these documents for review.

Training Directors:

If the Training Director is a supervisor then any leave less than one week in length would follow the steps listed above. If the Training Director is gone for more than one week then the Regional Training Director and Operations Support should be notified of their absence at least two weeks in advance.The notice should include back-up person in the event something happens while they are out.

Regional Training Directors:

If the Regional Training Director is gone for more than one week then the Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations and Vice President of Operations should be notified of their absence at least two weeks in advance.

The notice should include back-up plan and contact person for addressing any PIP reviews/issue consultation that may arise in their absence as well as a plan for coverage of any missed responsibilities (i.e. facilitation of didactics).  

Emergency coverage, regular individual supervision, and access to a supervisor should still be available to interns at all times when a primary supervisor is away. Any missed supervision time will need to follow the Making up Missed Supervision section of the Supervision Policy.