E.7.24.CEN – Royal Oaks Hospital Training Manual Addendum

Site Learning Activities and Requirements

All interns will participate in the internship learning activities as specified in the manual. Specific site activities/rotations/requirements above and beyond what is listed in the manual are provided below:

Interns will rotate units every four-months of internship and, in general, interns on all rotations will carry a case load of 4-6 patients as well as conducting five to ten clinical groups per week, family therapy, treatment team, and assessment referrals.

Psychological Assessment/Evaluation Experience Module #

This experience module is considered a required major, core rotation at this site. It is designed to enhance the already established skill and knowledge base in the area of psychological assessment. The intern is expected to complete a minimum of 10 full psychological batteries on psychological evaluations addressing specific goals/requests, with the expectation that interns may complete upwards of 30+ reports over the course of the year. These psychological batteries will be supervised by a licensed psychologist and will focus on the integration of various tests and test writing skills, which communicate to various agencies as well as to the specific issue of treatment concerns. The intern will be closely supervised through the process of conducting assessments. As competency is gained, the supervisor will allow a greater degree of autonomy. The intern is expected to incrementally become more proficient and sophisticated in their ability to perform and report assessments and results as the internship progresses. 

Treatment Team #

Interns have the opportunity of participating as a member of a multi-disciplinary treatment team led by an Attending Psychiatrist. Other members of the treatment team include Psychologist, Registered Nurses, Licensed Professional Counselors, Clinical Social Workers, Expressive Therapists, Educators, Utilization Review staff and a Clinical Case Manager. Interns present case conceptualizations and will convey findings of psychological testing. 

ROH Presentations #

All interns will provide one or two presentation to ROH  and Compass staff.  One topic will be assigned and the second will be of the intern’s choice. Presentation maybe in person or via Microsoft Teams.

It is expected that the internship and training activities come first and any other roles/duties are secondary to the completion of the internship program.

Administrative Overview




Full-time (40 hours per week) generally 8:30 am – 5:00 pm from Monday – Friday.


Interns are allowed to work over 40 hours per week (never to exceed 50 hours per week), but only under the prior approval of their site Training Director.


Once per month interns will provide services Friday evening and Saturday and/or Sundays. On this weekend, interns will work from 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm Friday and all day on Saturday and/or Sunday. On these weeks, interns will be given the Monday before or after the weekend off in exchange for working.

Dual interns will run evening groups (1200-2000) one evening a week.

Malpractice Insurance:

If an intern is not covered by their school, Royal Oaks Hospital will provide insurance for them.


Due to the distance between Royal Oaks Hospital and Springfield, MO, interns are provided with travel reimbursement considerations for in-person didactic training up to $175. This can vary at times, however will not go below $175.


Interns are eligible for benefits offered to other site employees. Benefits will be discussed in detail during site orientation.

Leave Time

Paid Time Off (PTO):

14 days (112 hours) combined vacation and sick leave available from your first day.

Professional Development Leave:

3 days (24 hours) of professional development leaveProfessional Development time is not considered PTO time. To use this time, interns will coordinate their schedules with their Primary Supervisor and Training Director, and track the hours as hours worked in their local system and as “Professional Development Leave” in the NPTC time tracking portal.

In an effort to promote self-care, interns are encouraged to utilize all leave time. Unused PTO will not be paid out at the end of internship. Since Professional Development time is not considered a type of PTO, unused Professional Development will not be paid out at the end of the year.


New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
2 Personal Holidays

When a scheduled holiday falls on a weekend the observed holiday is assigned according to individual site policy.

Site Directors/Supervisors cannot require an intern to work on any holiday listed above that the site does not observe. If the intern wishes to work on a given holiday in exchange for another day off of their choosing, that is permitted as long as it is approved and arranged in advance with his/her site director and/or supervisor. Also, if a site observes additional holidays or is closed for other reasons and the intern is unable to work, the intern cannot be forced to use their vacation time or sick days.

Additional Information

Royal Oaks Psychology Intern Expectations will be linked as a document for them to print and sign. Text of agreement is provided below for review:

  1. Will be at Royal Oaks Hospital Monday through Thursday 0830 until 1700.  When all work is complete on Friday leaving prior to 1700 is acceptable.  Arrival time for Friday will remain 0830.  Complete is defined as all patients having been provided services, all groups facilitated and documentation placed in the chart. A 30 minute lunch break should be taken each day.
    • One Friday evening and Saturday and/or Sunday a month Intern will provide services. The prior Monday or following Sunday will be given off and will work 1200-2000 the Friday evening.
    • If intern shares time between Royal Oaks Hospital and Compass Health, ROH hours will be 0830-1700 or 1200-2000 on assigned days. 
  2. Will run all groups assigned.  If coverage is needed or groups are switched program director and supervision must provide permission.
  3. Will carry a case load of individual patients.  Providing individual therapy to each patient a minimum of two to three times a week and family sessions.
  4. All documentation will be complete for services provided each day.  All services provided will also be billed for.
  5. Will attend supervision prepared.
  6. Will inform/involve program director and supervisor of any hotline reports, suspected abuse and/or high-risk situations.
  7. Testing and scoring of assessments will be completed within patients admission of the written order.  
  8. Must have program director’s approval to not be present for treatment team.
  9. Must be present and on time for didactic trainings.
  10. All interns will present to ROH/Compass staff.
  11. Professionalism will always be demonstrated.
  12. Will comply with reasonable requests of supervisor/program directors.