D.04.24 – Administrative Responsibilities

Throughout the internship training year, sites will be responsible for filling out and/or updating site, supervisor, and intern information. The following is a list of requirements in addition to the requirements listed out in the Site Training Director Responsibilities section of this manual. This list may be added to or changed over the course of the training year, but every effort will be made to provide the site Training Directors and/or supervisors as much notice as possible prior to the deadlines.

● Training Manual Addendum Each site must develop an intern training manual addendum, based on the template provided by the Communications Coordinator, to be appended to the Consortium Internship Training Manual. Once created, this addendum will be reviewed and edited as needed prior to each training year.

● Evaluations Site Training Directors and Supervisors will be responsible for the timely completion of psychology intern quarterly evaluations as described in the appropriate section under section C. Evaluation Process and Forms.

● Internship Paperwork Site Training Directors and Supervisors will be responsible for the timely completion of the Individual Learning and Training PlanILTP Mid-Year Update,and timesheets as described in in each appropriate section in C. Evaluation Process and Forms.

● Access to Remote Technology Site Training Directors are responsible for ensuring interns have technology (i.e. webcam, computer) available to them to participate in remote communication as needed. This also includes ensuring access to the region’s platform (i.e. Zoom) used for remote training/communication.

● Meetings Site Training Directors will be required to attend the Training Committee meetings as described in the Membership Participation Agreement. These meetings will be held as needed but occurring no less than every other month for a total of no fewer than six (6) meetings per year. Members agree to participate in this committee and attend the meetings on a regular basis. If the Training Director is unable to attend a meeting, a Consortium-approved secondary participant can attend on their behalf. Approval for a secondary participant should be requested as far in advance of the meeting as possible. Site Directors missing a teleconference due to an emergency situation may be provided a recording of the teleconference to review. Once they verify that they have listened to the recording, the site will be counted as present at the meeting in question. If a site is not represented at the meetings at least 75% of the time, the President/CEO may implement disciplinary action (ranging from fines to removal from the Consortium, depending on the circumstances). There will also be a mandatory supervisor orientation each year. Site Training Directors are responsible for attending both the manual review as well as any provided CE training. Supervisor requirements for the orientation are listed out in manual section Supervisor Addition or Replacement Policy. Site Training Directors will be informed of any changes to the schedule as far in advance as possible.

● Site Information Each site will review the information used to advertise on the NPTC website and brochure annually to ensure the Administrative Office has the most up-to-date information. Each site has the responsibility to verify their site background check policies, drug testing policies, and/or any other policies interns should be aware of that might affect their ability to match with a site. This information may be submitted via Kintone and completed in the spring of each year.

● Supervisor Documentation Each Site Director is responsible for helping Operations Support remain up-to-date on all supervisor paperwork requirements. Details regarding the supervisor paperwork and training requirements is listed in section Supervisor Addition and Replacement Policy