C.5.b.23 – Individual Learning and Training Plan

The Individual Learning and Training Plan (ILTP) represents an agreement between the psychology intern and their associated primary licensed supervisor, which outlines the educational and experiential goals for the intern in the context of NPTC’s Aims and the APA Profession-Wide Competencies. This document is designed to assist interns and supervisors to assess the intern’s competencies in various aspects of the training program unique to each site, acknowledge the intern’s strengths, and outline a plan for professional development in their relatively weaker areas of knowledge, skills, or attitudes. During the course of the training year, the intern and supervisor will continue to use this document to track progression towards intern goals and objective. The ILTP is developed by the intern and their primary supervisors during the first week of the internship experience. A formal signed copy of the initial ILTP is due to the Executive Training Office via webform by the end of the first full month of internship. A formal update to this document will be submitted to the Executive Training Office at the mid-year point.