C.5.e.23 – Supervisor Feedback Forms


At least twice a year, interns will evaluate their supervisors and provide feedback about the supervisory process from each of their primary supervisees. These Supervisor Feedback forms must be submitted as requested during the internship program to ensure the intern’s needs are being met throughout the year.

Minimum Levels of Achievement

Due to the structure of the survey and the feedback nature of the form, there are no score requirements given to supervisors. However, it is the goal of all supervisors to work toward receiving scores of 5 (Meets or Exceeds Expectations) in all areas. It is expected that interns provide written comments of their concerns for any scores of 1 or 2 provided on the scale (indicating not receiving, or receiving very little of an area of training).

Process and Outcomes

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an opportunity for the interns to give feedback regarding both strengths and weaknesses of the supervision process to foster growth in the supervisory relationship. At the mid-year mark, sites will get a feedback report for all supervisors in the region. Regional Training Directors will review all individual site reports within the region, and reserve the right to contact individual sites to address any concerns. If there are any individual supervisor reports with concerning scores, NPTC also reserves the right to contact the site Training Director if necessary to address concerns while keeping individual intern names anonymous as much as possible. Supervisors with consistent reports of low scores or concerning feedback presented by the intern, may be placed on a performance improvement plan under the review and direction of the site Training Director and Regional Training Director and/or removed from the supervisor list as necessary. At the end of the training year, the Training Committee will review the feedback report for the region, and each supervisor will receive all their feedback following the intern’s graduation from the program.